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Riding on a Highway

Kickstands up to Memphis, Tennessee

Hover over video to hear 

              1st Night Out at
46th National Bikers Roundup

Day 2 of 46th National Roundup
Day 3 of 46th National Roundup
Day 4 of 46th National Roundup
Heading Back From the National Roundup

Dear Lord, as we set out on the road this morning, we ask you to protect us from reckless drivers and motorists how do not care about their lives or the lives of other road users. Save us from drunk drivers and bring us home in one piece.  Encompass us with your strength that we may ride safely and reach thousands of people for the glory of your holy name. May everything we do be for your Kingdom and not for our selfish interests. Through Jesus’ name, we believe and pray, Amen.

Thank GOD the fog has lifted

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